School Life
WCS is a co-educational K-6 school, operating stage-based classes since 2018.
We are committed to the vision of WCS and the part we play in the broader community and the Kingdom of God. This is reflected in what we teach and in our teaching practice.
As a school, being authentic and responsive towards transformation is at the heart of who we are. As a result, the way we structure teaching and learning is reflective of this.
A personal and bespoke approach to education has seen students and their learning flourish, progress and indeed transform.
Our staff are highly skilled and experienced. Together we form a wonderfully dynamic and complementary team.
Education of the curriculum works best when taught alongside social, emotional, spiritual and relational learnings. Christian Schooling aims to educate the whole person; head, heart, and hand.
Every child is created uniquely and our role at WCS is to be responsive to their needs. Due to an individual approach, small class size, a supportive environment and expert staff and programs, we have seen sustained growth in our students’ learning and wellbeing. At WCS every child is known, not just by their classroom teachers, but the whole staff.
Our curriculum is solid but also varied and innovative. Much time is given to Literacy and Numeracy as they are foundational to all other areas but the Arts, Sport and Health, Science, Geography, History, Agriculture, Design, Information Technology, and others all play a role.
WCS teaches InitiaLit in Years K-2. This exceptional, evidence-based program provides our youngest students with an explicit and thorough understanding of English. Writing is taught explicitly across the school using the Seven Steps to Writing Success program.
For older students who may have gaps in their learning in Literacy, we provide interventions using the MiniLit and MacqLit programs to get them back on track. These programs, taught by trained staff in small groups or individually, have been incredibly successful in helping students improve their reading, writing, and spelling.
Mathematics is taught using Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) methods to ensure student understanding. Teachers know their students well and are able to help them progress, ensuring deep understanding of necessary concepts. Our class sizes are smaller than the average and we have strategically chosen to employ extra support staff so that learning can be accessible for all students in the classroom.
At WCS, we affirm that a person’s value and worth is not rooted in their intellect or abilities, but rather in the knowledge that they are fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose.
Partnering with parents is central to who we are as a school. Parents know their children best and we value this. At WCS we have a wonderful culture of staff, students and parents walking the road together.

Real Life Learning
What fun our students have at school!
On top of making classroom learning relevant and interactive, we also have many opportunities outside the classroom, and perhaps outside the regular school experience, for our students to further their learning and build dreams for the future.
Children learn best by doing and at WCS this happens as often as possible!
Science and Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and Art lessons involve students in the real-life skills of problem solving, design, teamwork, and communication as they work together on various projects. It’s during these lessons that students discover how the world works and their place in it.
Robotics, coding, cooking, gardening, designing, creating, building, experimenting and making are an important part of the weekly curriculum for all ages.
What a joy it is to watch children explore, create and play. It builds the capacity to make decisions, work as a team, take measured risks and solve problems. In our playground, imagination takes centre stage and children of all ages are free to invent, create and make-up games and activities to their heart’s content! Our playground has the things you would expect to see in a school playground as well as a variety of materials which the students are free to build and play with. We have some of the most amazing contraptions and cubbies you have ever seen appearing in our playground! We believe that creative and busy children are happy, growing children.
Being part of a rural town, there are countless opportunities for us as a school to be involved and contribute. As a Christian School we believe that teaching children to have a heart towards others is of great importance. From fundraising for our sponsor children and local charities, participating in the annual Eisteddfod, Show and sculpture competitions to ANZAC Day, visiting aged care facilities, creating artworks for street parades and community Christmas dinners, there are many opportunities for our students to learn the joy of giving and participation for the good of something greater than themselves.

Families, Parents and Carers
At Wellington Christian School, we see the partnership between home and school as vital. When students are enrolled at WCS, it is not just the children who find a place in the school community, it is the whole family – grandparents included! Our verandas at either end of the school day are the place to be, because they host the most wonderful interactions between staff, families, and students.
There are many opportunities and events throughout the year for school families to come together. Assemblies are always followed by morning tea, special days such as Grandparents’ Day and Book Week celebrations as well as carnivals and excursions. The list goes on. In addition to these occasions, we also have a school family event each term purely for the purpose of being together. These special times include games nights, picnics, a Long Table Dinner and the annual Thanksgiving Service.
There are various ways for parents to be involved and contribute to school life, from helping in the classrooms, to organising events to being a member of the Association. It is great for parents to see what we are doing, for students to know that their parents and carers are involved in school life and for our school to benefit from the skills and heart of our parents. And not least, we do not underestimate the contribution parents and carers make in getting their children to school in the right uniform, with hair done, lunch packed and homework complete! We salute each and every one of you!

Spiritual Life
We are a Christian school and if for one moment we thought that was by name only, then we would have miserably fallen short. Whatever is written on a sign, in a motto or mission and vision statement, should be seen and felt in daily school routine and life. Authenticity matters to us.
Believing that life is better living God’s way and knowing Him, we seek to infuse all that we do with His Truth. The very core of all we believe and do as a school finds its anchor in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is interwoven into the curriculum and prepares students to know, defend, and live out their faith by providing the opportunity to wrestle with what it means to hold a Christian world view. There are many opportunities in a week for this to be lived out together as a school community.
At Wellington Christian School, we believe that well developed academics, a noble character and a vibrant spiritual life should not be an either/or proposition. In fact, they complement each other beautifully. We seek to prepare our students to glorify God with their minds, talents, and lives.
Partnering with parents in this area is a joy and is a reason Christian Education National (CEN) schools were established in the beginning. Faith is not a prerequisite of enrolling at Wellington Christian School, but we do want parents to be aware of and support the platform we teach from.
We believe in the sovereignty of God and as a result, we believe that not one person ever created is without value and purpose of the highest order – that includes you and your family. We want our students to know this and to live their lives with the security and reassurance it brings.

Student Wellbeing
We recognise that the social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing of students is of key importance to their success at school and actually enjoyment of life. Students with a positive sense of wellbeing are happy, settled, responsible and resilient. They enjoy positive relationships with peers, staff and parents, and are engaged in all aspects of their schooling. Such students are strongly placed to develop into well balanced adults who confidently know who they are and are willing to take their place in the world. For this reason, WCS is committed to promoting, nurturing and developing each student’s sense of wellbeing.
At WCS, day-to-day responsibility for wellbeing lies with each student’s class teacher. These teachers know their students well and are in an excellent position to speak into their lives and identify any concerns regarding wellbeing. Class teachers are assisted in this role by the Principal and other support staff.
Students participate in a range of wellbeing initiatives at WCS. These include whole school approaches, as well as activities targeted at key developmental stages, such as Kindergarten Orientation and various Year Group excursions. Our school has introduced the Friendzy Social Emotional Friendship Program which is biblically based and teaches children the skills to build quality relationships with one another. We all have a common language around how we should treat one another, and this has a positive impact on the culture of our school. Students may also participate in targeted programs, such as social skills groups, to address particular needs. WCS has access to a Psychologist when needed, who helps to promote wellbeing across the school and is able to provide specialised support for a range of concerns. A School Chaplain is also at WCS one day a week to talk with and support all members of the school community as they deal with the demands of life.